Practise makes perfect.
In most cases, this popular saying is true but does being a mother for 1.5 years make me a better mum? Nope. And here is a whole long list to prove that:
- I have gone out and forgot to pack Josiah's bottle!!!! I panicked but it was too late. Tears flowing, Josiah was getting angry - can you believe I had to borrow a bottle from my friend.
Bad Mummy.
Bad Mummy.
- I still have got days when his pants gets all wet because I did not put the diaper on properly. Sheesh, you'd think that with all that practise day in and day out, leaking nappy should be a thing of the past....
- I have also on different occasions forgotten to pack.....bibs, spoons, baby food, hat, hot water, drinking water, clean clothes, even forgot to put on his goodness, you are expecting me to forget to pack Josiah too....huh? Snifff.....
Bad Mummy.
That's not all, on the good days when I actually remember to do all the above for Josiah, I would often forget to bring my own jacket / keys/ handbag / watch / handphone...
- I still sometimes make his milk too hot or too cold
- I once put on his shoes on wrongly and did not even notice it until we came home from running around the park!
- I have accidentally let him run around with his pants on wrongly
- I have fed him expired food because I got my calender dates wrong!!!
- I even forgot to feed him his evening milk a couple of time. He was busy playing and I was busy surfing.... very bad Mummy!
But you know what, despite all my shortcomings in mothering Josiah - he has no other choice cos he ain't got another bad Mummy like me. to all those thinking hard about trying to be a super perfect Mum and failed, don't worry, your little one loves you just the way you are.
Well, they don't know any better at this point so don't worry too much about all your little (or big) mistakes.
See, Josiah still loves me........and I love him too!!!!
He also loves his cars, monkey, cow, chow-chow(smelly blanky).... HEY, not fair, I clean up all his poop everyday...!!