Josiah turns 20 months a couple of days ago. And he is quite the chatterbox these days. He copies everything that you would prefer him not to copy and refuses to say the alphabets or proper words! Typical toddler attitude if you ask me. Testing their limits and boundaries and especially Mummy's patience.
Vocabulary log
"I know, I know".... irritating but no one to blame but myself as he must have heard me say that frequently enough to learn it. He says it with the correct attitude too - sigh, a show off at hand who cannot even recite his ABCs yet.
"Oh, no" - this phrase is copied from his favourite Little Einstein show.
"Runaway" - funny word to learn, but it is part of a song from Barney.
"No more" - used when he finishes his yogurt since he never finishes anything else. Also constantly used when I try to read to him. He just flips to the last page and says no more. Naughty boy!
"Door", "key", "open" - he will now bring you something and asks for it to be opened.
"Thank you" - at least he learnt this concept fairly well. He will say thank you quite willingly
"Please" - bad pronounciation on this one, sounds more like 'piss'
"Flower" - another bad pronounciation, sounds more like "wah-wah"
"Pig", "Dog", "Bear" - yea!!! finally some animal words. I have been trying to get him to say the usual animal name for ages. Previously, he only says duck. Still no progress on cow, horse, monkey - he would just make the noises for these animals!
"Wow", "Oops" - it is so cute when he says these type of exclamation-type words.
"Hello", "Bye" - his favourite being the latter, would say it often when Mummy has been on Skype for some time. He would just come over and say bye without being asked signalling you to end the conversation and get on with play time!
"Where" - does it with both hands open in a questioning manner. Drama king.
"Up", "there", "go" - great that he can tell us where he wants to go now. Not so great when he wants to get 'up' the moment we put him in the highchair at the restaurant.
"Mini" - he loves the Mini Cooper so much.
Still a long way more to proper communication with poor Mummy who have to scratch her head all day trying to figure out what Josiah wants.
One of his latest thing is to sit on any small stool/ledge/corner/step he can find. He would position himself to sit down and then asks me to join him. It is quite sweet when we are out at the park and he does that. I would join him and he would be grinning happily for no other reason than just to sit with me. Sigh. Motherhood's precious moments. Other not so convenient occasions like when I am late to meet up with friends and he decides to sit on the steps before going into the lift. Hurrying him would only make him upset but sometimes, no choice so I just grab him and go. Boo hoo.
He can now slowly go up and down the stairs holding on to the rails. He is a bit late in this development and I am happy that he can even do that. The amount of practice needed - phew! All his other friends (some even younger) goes up and down like a pro. He can manage on his own a small, small step - about 1 inch high. Hahahahaa......what can I say, he's a scardy cat just like his Mummy and Daddy.
He still loves to push things and loves his wagon and any girl-type baby stroller. He can push his wagon for one hour at the park. Great workout for both of us.
Finally, more teeth are popping out. About time too, he must be the only 20 month old with only 6 teeth. I think he is getting another 4 more at the bottom - cannot get a better view of those molars as he will bite if you stick your finger in. Having more teeth also helped his eating. He can somewhat eat some small chicken pieces and loves fish fingers. Pasta is also on his menu now, but stll has to be quite soft before he would have some.
Still loving his bath, he knows to go to the toilet when I mention "bath". Would insist on all his toys inside the tub and then indicate he wants to go in. He'd sit there all day if I let him.
Josiah enjoying his bouncy chair which can convert to toddler rocking chair with massage function too.

Look at me, Mummy....I can read....or maybe not!