Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guest Post - Missing u...

This is a guest post from Shaun while the family is back home in Malaysia. They've been back for about a week now and thus far it looks like things are ok. They've managed to meet up with some old friends and even renewed some nasty habits (like biting?).

Its getting late at night coming from the bible reading (Mark 1:1-8) and I really miss the family and MY in particular. We got to talk for almost an hour today which was great - a mini celebration for passing my UK driving test (finally!). Doesn't beat having them here though.

It's strange because lately I'm the one that's off travelling while working and now the shoe's on the other foot. When I'm away, I feel terrible - not that places like Algiers or Istanbul are terrible but its not that much fun. Didn't think that staying in London would feel so lonely.

This all comes back to Michael Buble of course and I thought that the song is quite apt for the occasion. London is large and has a population of 8 million yet one can feel incredibly lonely here. So here's Mr Buble saying much better than I can - because without you babes, I'm ready to come home.

Also, since we're on a theme today, I don't do this often enough but Mr Buble wrote this for then girlfriend but it seems that I've been much luckier in love. I've married a girl who means "Everything" to me. Thanks for putting up with all my nonsense. Its a long way to March 20 for me but I'll be here waiting for you.

On a little side note, this is my first attempt at embedding a youtube video, so am hoping this works.