Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2011 Brings Big News - Part 2

New York, New York - a city so fantastic that it has to be repeated twice!  Everyone who has been there has raving reviews about it.  Everyone else was so excited for us but then why was I in tears?

Because I am feeling crap from pregnancy and did not want to pack and move - I wanted to nest and make my home cosy.  I wanted to relax and enjoy the rest of my free time preparing for a new person in our lives.  I wanted to be calm so that the baby would be calm too (unlike Josiah who was NOT calm at all!)  But all that I wanted was not what God wanted.  Shaun and I pray over this sudden turn in our lives.  Why would God want us to leave UK when the work for the assembly there is clearly needed?  Why now when we are due to have a baby?  When Josiah has settled into his school?  When we have found friends and support group...

Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. 

That was the verse that kept coming back to us when we were making this decision.  So chin up and start packing, folks!  We had to get rid of a lot of our belongings because of the difference in voltage, difference in bedding sizes and also limited weight allowance.  Poor Josiah - most of his toys had to be given away including his bicycle and scooter.

Thinking back, it was such a whirlwind that I can hardly believe that we are now in NY.  We were living in temporary accommodations for one month before finding our new apartment in Midtown East of NY.  Shaun's mum came to help us with the unpacking and setting up of our new home.  We were so thankful as I was almost 8 month pregnant and could hardly move without huffing!

Now the waiting game for baby girl begins.....stay tuned!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

2011 Brings Big News - Part 1!

What excuse can I give for being away for so long?

What news is so big that it takes months to announce?

Is this enough as an excuse? :)

Probably not but then it has been a rough pregnancy so far.  I spent the first trimester being so sick that I was afraid to eat, which made me more sick and so I had to force myself to eat.  Never, ever felt that way about food before!  Those who know me would know that I love to eat.  I am never one for dieting, food fads...etc and even if I tried, my hunger pangs would make me eat :)

Wanting to puke 24/7 and then puking at least 2-3 times a day was enough to put me off food for good. Except that I'm pregnant and need to eat.  Typical story of my life, when I am not allowed to be on a diet, then suddenly dieting is the easiest thing to do.  On numerous occasions, I would literally be in tears trying to find something that I think I can eat.  Nothing looks appealing to me and I had ZERO appetite.  The worst time was one of the school run to pick Josiah back from school and whilst walking, I suddenly threw up on the sidewalk!  Yucks....and I used to think that puke on the sidewalk belongs to drunk people.  I now have new found perspective on sidewalk puke :p

Fast forward to second semester, I start to feel a little better in month 5, but then I start to fall sick.  Just a bad, bad cough that refused to go away.  Being pregnant, I am unable to take medication.  All that coughing just made me feel tired, is hard on my pelvic muscle and is irritating to say the least especially when I have to talk.  To top things off, Shaun delivers me the biggest shock by announcing that he is being transferred to New York and is needed there AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

Pregnant, toddler in tow, feeling sick and having to plan a major move to a place I have never been and don't know anyone there.

Is this enough of an excuse?  YES - I think so!

Stay tune for Part 2 of my crazy life :p