Since we came to London in May, this would be the first time S would be on a one week leave. We decided on Ireland to visit my cousin and family because they have a beautiful little girl turning one and being our first real holiday with Josiah we took the easy way out! I have been nervous and excited about the holiday since we booked our air tickets.
Woke up at 6.30am and immediately went into autopilot to pack up the last few things into the bag, took a shower and woke Josiah when the taxi was outside. He was not impressed but was quite good about it. I got him changed and off we go. How exciting!
The taxi took us to the Victoria station where we would be taking the Gatwick Express to the airport, this is of course not the quickest way to the airport but it is cheaper than taking taxi. Josiah took in the crisp cold morning air and all the sights along the way. When we got to the airport, it was super packed - had to literally breath down an old couple just so we can get a seat in a cafe to feed Josiah his breakfast. That's where the adventure began with Josiah refusing to eat breakfast (remember his hunger strike). This was too much seeing that he did not want milk earlier that morning too. S was saying that we have to get to the boarding gate but I would prefer to wait in the cafe and since the boarding gate was not announced yet, I told him to relax. When we next checked the gate was announced and we went to look for it. Boy, was it far away. On the way there, I suddenly realised that Josiah might have had a poo and went to check (very bad move!) as by then, our names were being called out over the PA system. S was furious and shooting daggers at me whilst I tried to play it cool telling him that I liked to hear his name being called out correctly for once! Okie dokie, lesson learnt. Just follow the big man when it comes to timing :p
The plane was only half filled so we had a good choice of seats. I made a bottle again for Josiah and he went straight to sleep, waking up in beautiful Ireland. Even in the plane to Belfast, the people were friendlier, smilier and so much nicer than Londoners. Such a refreshing change. Refreshing is definately the word to describe Ireland with all the greens, small cottages, sheeps and cows grazing peacefully. My cousin's wife who is 7 months pregnant greeted us at the arrival gate with the most beautiful baby girl in her arms. It was love at first sight for Josiah too. Those two would be inseparable for the rest of the week. Honestly, the holiday was made so much more meaningful knowing that Josiah is thoroughly enjoying himself everyday. I have never seen him so alive, so happy... Even with his hunger strike going on, I felt more relaxed and just let him be. Maybe all that thought of relaxing got my body to finally give in to illness, normally, S would be the one falling sick on the first day of holidays but this time I was down. Sneezing non-stop I looked like a wreck by evening and retired to a dose of "miracle cure". It worked but then S got sick and remained sick until we got back to London!
My cousin also took the opportunity to take a few days leave whilst we were there. So the women left the men in charge of the babies and went shopping! Not for clothes but for yummy food. Did not know that there is a large community of Chinese in Belfast, the oriental supermarkets there are unrivalled, with entire warehouse lot stocked with everything Asian. We went crazy with the food selection - even bought some durian! Grass jelly, 'tau pok', coconut milk and noodles piled into our trolley (impressive, it is bigger than my local Tesco). Then we went to Chinese bakery to get egg tarts. Once I stepped in - I was mesmerised by the familiar smell. Nothing like fresh egg tarts and buns fresh in the oven. Despite paying for them in pounds, I knew that I cannot leave without loading up on it as it is not easily available especially the egg tarts. Mmmm....I am quite the egg tart expert and this definately quite close to the best egg tarts in Malaysia. After all that shopping, we went for lunch and met up with the men and the babies.
This holiday has taught me a number of things:
- nothing like a holiday with family (thanks to my cousin and wife for having us!)
- babies can survive on almost nothing
- Josiah does not do well in a car
- Josiah does not do well in an aeroplane which is delayed
- always get to the boarding gate early unless you like to hear your name over the airport PA system
- bring medicines for unexpected illness during holiday
- "Lem-sips" are wonderful for flu; wonder why they don't sell them in Malaysia
- always add more chocolate than required into chocolate cake! *wink*
- i love chicken mango casserole and home-made curry laksa
- bring more clothes for myself and less for Josiah!
- i miss the piano very much and wonder when i can duet with the great violinist again
- i love baby girls....especially my cousin's baby girl *hugs and kisses*
Here are some lovely shots

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