Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our little photographer boy

It has been a few months since we let Josiah have a go with our faithful 4 year old, Canon Ixus 50

Initially, all he did was look at something through the screen thinking that he had taken a photo. After showing him how to press on the button, he went through a phase where his fingers would block the entire picture. But behold, with some practice, here are some of his prized photo shots of things that matters to him.....

Of course this is only a fraction of his gallery - the rest have to be censored. Especially photos of Mummy in her pyjamas sitting in front of the laptop!

Our living area or better known as Josiah's play area - Mummy's hair on the side!

I quite like this shot of the Ferrari or was he trying to take the trampoline...

A nice photo of Daddy from ground level.

This was a nice one too - he lined up the motorbike guy next to his favourite ambulance (aka nee-nah)

Of course, plenty of shots of his favourite train Thomas & Friends but I think one is the best.

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