Sunday, July 26, 2009

Toddlerhood: The Next Frontier

"I can't see Daddy anywhere" said Josiah this morning as we are heading out to church.

Wow, his first proper sentence.

Instead of answering him, I looked at him wondering how I once was in awe when he said his first word. Nowadays, his vocabulary is growing and his quirky remarks really makes my day.

I know one day, I will look back on this and moan about how he cannot stop talking but for now - I want to savour this warm fuzzy feeling I get whenever I hear him talk.

His other achievements include:

  • Able to sing Twinkle, twinkle, ABC song, Incy Wincy Spider, Little Einstein song
  • Able to count from 1 to 12
  • Able to identify most colours
  • Able to identify most alphabets
  • Able to read a few words like dog, cat, duck, frog, horse, pig, chicken, Josiah, Mommy, Daddy, Thomas, Percy, star, car, Harold, James.
  • Able to do some simple puzzles
  • Able to paint and draw and colour quite well
Ahhh....but of course, I must also remember the things he is still struggling with, which includes:
  • Not able to walk down steps on his own, he can walk up with help
  • Not able to jump or climb too well
  • Not able to feed himself with a spoon properly
  • Not able to remove his socks or shoes on his own
  • Not able to eat pasta, pizza, most veggies and fruits
  • Not potty trained

I am looking forward to his independence which I think will improve when he starts nursery in September. He will be going for 3 mornings and although it will be a welcome break for me, I am honestly dreading that day. I want my freedom yet don't want to be away from him. Get it? Nope....well, I don't get it too. Such a strange mix of feelings which I believe only another full time SAHM will understand.

Does he miss his baby stuff too?

Josiah in Prague

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