Saturday, October 24, 2009

33 months old...I am losing count

I file all of Josiah's photos by month and seeing that he is nearing three....I have to admit that I am having trouble keeping count of exactly how many MONTHS old he is. When people asks me his age, I would reply - nearly three or 2.5 years old. So every time I want to upload some pictures from the camera to my laptop, I have to do "the count".

33 months old.

That is how old my son is. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Let's do the mandatory list of his achievements so far:

- Can count from 1 till 20

- Can recognise all his alphabets

- Can recongnise numbers 1-9

- Can walk up without assistance and walk down holding on to the banister

- Can jump lifting both legs

- Can feed himself better

- Can eat pasta, pizza, pork chop, mushroom

- Can use the potty for a wee (but not able to tell me when he wants to go)

- Can talk in sentences using up to 4 syllabic word like caterpillar, helicopter

- Can recite Little Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpty, This Little Piggy effortlessly

But I would have to say his greatest achievement this month is to be able to say, "See you later, Mummy" and then watch me go off without crying. Yes, folk....he is on the road to a little separation from me and I am sooooo happy for the both of us.

This new nursery has been super supportive in making this process as natural and painless as possible for both the child and parent. I have been going to the nursery every morning and I stay with him every time. We leave as soon as he is crying and not happy (so not to associate the nursery as a bad place) . We always leave when he is happily playing (so he associates happy memories of the nursery). On the fourth morning, I went over and said bye to him and left for 30 minutes. On the fifth morning, I said goodbye and left him for one hour. Although, he is still teary when I leave him in the morning, his recovery gets better and better. He is now able to stay on his own for the entire 3 hours or so. And he even had his first meal of pasta which he ate all on his own. I know I am rambling but I am just so happy for him and so proud of him. I await the day when he is able to say goodbye in the morning without that would be fantastic. Shaun and I have already planned to celebrate that day by going out for breakfast together.... I predict that Josiah will take up to 2 months to be able to achieve that so stay tuned.

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