Is it just me or is it weird that I have more than 10 SINGLE. different. socks sitting forlornly waiting for its partner?
How did this happen? Where are those socks? Why are they missinig? Who took them?
I could go on and on but the fact is my forlorn pile of socks remain. With each load of laundry I do, I might come across one single famiiliar looking sock.
Aha....I have found a match, my happiness only lasting a mere five minutes when I discover that I have another two SINGLE socks to add to the pile.
Frustrations - it never used to bother me but honestly, it is irritating to have to look at a pile of SINGLE and different socks. I mean, those socks taunt me, telling me that I am a failure as a keeper of my family's clothes. Telling me that if I cannot even keep track of socks, what other pieces of clothings are missing but that I am ignorant off. Telling me that I am a bad wife for sending my man out with potentially mismatched socks all.the.time.
"Have you no shame? You must be doing something wrong for us to end up like this" sneered the sad, old looking white Nike sock.
"I miss my darling," sniffles the elegant black sock.
"I'd rather be thrown away than having to put up with these other grotty single socks" screamed the odd blackish green one.
So please, anyone, help me find my missing socks or I may have to resort to killing them just so I can keep my place as Lady of the House.
I will not be overthrown by a couple of ratty, pathetic but pompous sock forming a gang and bullying a poor mum who has never been good at housekeeping anyway.
Wait a minute. These are not even my socks, why should I care? Let Shaun deal with them - he should be able to keep them in line or do you think he is in on this as well.....hmmm.....
Making me believe that I am losing my mind by keeping those socks hidden.
Stop. it . now
Help me, anybody, where is CSI team when I need them most?
Gratefully yours,
Lady of the House (not!)
Ha ha ha ha!! well I think every lady of the house faces this predicament also!! there are numerous pairs of the girls socks and Dereks with no match!! where are they??!!
it's the sock pixies really! I had it bad though, someone stole my sock and put another random one in my laundry at the communal wash! I don't want to know where they came from... ewww...
I usually put the socks in one laundry bag on its that when I hang them out to's all in the same far so good....
dereksarah: do you suppose they are stuck somewhere between the washing machine and drainage pipes?? hope not, one day my flat will get flooded at the rate this goes!
lin: yippee, free socks :p
michelle: amazing mummy!! yes, if i ever get round to using the laundry bag - i suppose the sock thieves might finally retire...
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