Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April updates

The month of March and April flew by.  We did our first holiday on our own with the kids to California to visit my cousin.  Needless to say, I was all stressed up about the trip as it involved airplane ride, sleeping in other people's house and with the time difference, who knows!  It all worked out perfect - we had a great time with family.  WEather was wonderful.  Visited Disneyland for 2 days - woo hoo!!!  Went to Hollywood and had lots of delicious home made Malaysian food thanks to my Koo Ma.  We headed back to NY, back to school for 2 days and then headed to Washington DC for Easter break.  We took the Amtrak there and it was surprisingly convenient way to travel for us.  Definitely be doing more holidays using Amtrak.   I was excited to see The White House, and other historical places and had a relaxing time in DC.  Oh yes, also celebrated my birthday there :)
Our first trip in one hotel room with both the kids.  Went well too - Joanna just went to bed late but she was fine so we were fine too.

Pictures will help me remember what happened :)
Josiah went fishing for first time and caught 3 fishes
Our pathetic family shot in Disneyland...well, better than none

Joanna has her first swing ride at 9 months old

Joanna's milestone:
- able to crawl, sometime will crawl on her knees
- sleeping through the night
- calls me Ma Ma
- can identify Shaun, Josiah, 
- has 2 teeth at the bottom
- is not allergic to peanuts
- still sucking her 2nd and 3rd finger on her left hand
- loves reading her books

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