Monday, September 17, 2007

I sit here in front of my laptop - nervous, yet excited. My own blog - yay, am no longer a techno bimbo (I wish...haha...recently just got a friend to help me use my iPod! Duh...)
Before we proceed, let's start this slowly as too many things have happened to me in the last year that I want to capture it all down before I lose it to more important things like, "Am I out of wet wipes? Oops, forgot to change his nappy"
We shall from the beginning.........

15 May 2006

Life before...

Had just returned home from a fantastic trip to Sydney and Melbourne. My hubby, S and I had a great relaxing holiday. Good food, good company, free lodging (thanks Max!), good weather...
So why were we both sitting apprehensively at the women's clinic?
Here's my comment to S few days before - "Babes, I'm late, I think this time it is the real thing". His non-chalant reply was, "'s probably just the change in weather" - RIGHTO!
On the doctor's bed, with the cold gel on my flabby tummy - Dr Kim said, congrats, the baby can be seen here...Before I could even react, her face changed suddenly and asked for S to come in.
Just above the foetus was a dark blob which is a giant cyst measuring about 10cm in diameter!
No wonder I had a flabby tummy! Anyway, we were told that with the baby growing we can only monitor both the baby and cyst until about 3-4 month into the pregnancy before we can think about an operation. My first reaction was to get a second opinion and namely to get another doctor who would be willing to do the operation. At that point, I did not have any feelings for this little human growing inside me yet and don't want to be in a situation when I HAVE bonded with my baby then lose it to some cyst.
S thought that I was acting crazy. We went home to tell our parents. No big reaction from my in-law side but my mum was flabbergasted, "What HAPPENED?? I thought you didn’t want a baby so soon!!" Mind you at that point I was just as shocked and unprepared. She went on to lecture me about how a baby will change your life and I’ll have a lifetime of misery...etc. Funny how my mum is now the best granny to Josiah!

6th September 2007
Going on a date (yippee!)

Josiah gave us a nice morning call at 6.30am today. Thank goodness for my new supply of Ipoh Coffee. The day went smoothly enough. Josiah went for a early nap and we went to visit his girlfriend, Emma in the afternoon. He was so happy to see her again and did his best to show it by hitting her and trying to poke her face. The both of them are so cute together. Emma has grown taller and more hair whilst Josiah has lost his hair due to a bad haircut and grown fatter especially around his tummy and face!

In the evening, I marinated the pork chops, put the potatoes and cauliflower to boil and waited for the my brother and S to come home. At 5.30pm, Josiah woke up from his nap – good, I thought because that would mean that he can go to bed at 8.30pm and we can go out whilst my brother stay at home. S will be going to Surrey next week and brother is going home. I see my only chance of going out at night slipping away....Things started to go wrong at about 8pm, my roast is not looking good, the potatoes are still sitting and waiting to be mashed, S cannot be contacted and Josiah is already looking tired. But the moment S came back, Josiah suddenly had his back-up battery switched on. Sigh...Daddy’s little boy. I was still determined that I could make it. During his last feed, I was thinking about where we can go and as his eyes closed I was super excited. Putting him gently on his cot, he looked up at me and laughed. Oh, mummy....I know all about your plans...!! He proceeded with a long squeal and continued chatting to himself until 9.30pm. Darn, darn, darn....looks like it is not going to happen. My only consolation was that I am currently reading my first proper book since I had Josiah – Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella. S wanted to watch a movie and we spent the next 2 hours with Bruce Willis in Die Hard 4.0. All in all, a pretty good day.

7th September 2007

Don’t you just hate it when you think that you have gotten everything correct then you start to jinx yourself and everything reverts back again. Am rambling here due to the 3am, 4am and 5.30am crying episode. We have just been able to tell people in this past few weeks that our baby is sleeping through (finally, after all he has hit his 8 month birthday). It feels so good to be able to sleep without having to boil water, wash bottles, scoop milk and prepare a tray to bring everything in our bedroom. But last night, is a nice reminder by our beloved Josiah that we are not allowed to slack and must always prepare in case His Royal Highness decides that he would like a cuppa milka at 5am just for fun.
I could not sleep last night because was thinking about ‘Ampang Yong Tau Foo’ – mmm....can just taste it and want it quite badly that I was considering doing some myself. Of course that was before HRH Josiah’s crying episode bringing me back to reality of pasta,roast and mash potatoes. Bye-bye ‘yong tau foo’ – don’t know when we will see each other again.
On the upside, Josiah was quite exhausted from his drama and actually slept until 8am. So I am not as trashed as I normally would be. In fact, I was brave enough to continue the day WITHOUT the caffeine and opted to load my system with Krispy Kreme donuts courtesy to my brother. I even left Josiah chatting to himself whilst I savoured my donuts...mmm.... Since Fridays are my unofficial off-day (means that I don’t cook for Josiah!) I thought it would be nice to go out to High St Kensington for lunch. HRH Josiah was all nice and sweet even when I made a stop to look at all the flowers and dedications to Princess Diana outside Kensington Palace. Maintaining his hate for shopping, he made sure that everyone else in the shop also knows that. So much for shopping, I continued walking and looking enviously at other mummy’s going in with their ‘I love shopping’ babies. Looks like I have to stick to internet shopping or be contented with just window shopping.
Lunch at Mark & Spencers (again) – it is a baby friendly place full of nice old ladies and other yummy mummies like myself (wink). Too bad for Josiah as he prefer his girls younger and better looking. Honest. He wouldn’t give a second look to the old ladies but would try to make eye contact with any younger girl/women/teenager. Good thing that he was sleeping then.

12 September 2007
Panda mama

Josiah woke up screaming at 3am this morning and could not be calmed down. Looks like he has a tummy ache. He could not sleep until 4am and I was so regretting that I told S I could manage just before I went to bed! Anyhow, my brother is leaving today and life would be just the two of us again. On the upside, Josiah is crawling properly now. He is all over the living room, thank you S for re-arranging the furniture before you went. Kiss. Josiah has gone on strike since Monday for solids. He just would not have anything more than a few spoonfuls. Even his favourite meal of the day – breakfast of cereals and fruit. Am at wits end. Don’t know if him waking up is due to wind in the tummy because he is hungry. But I have tried everything. Sigh.

Did I mention that he is also clapping on verbal cue now. So he definitely understands what we are saying. All that baby signing is also going nowhere – he still does not respond to “milk” sign although I have done it since he was 4 months old. Those website had babies who respond even at 5 months. Oh well, I don't mind as long as he starts talking soon (hahaha...crazy kiasu mummy!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that you're having a new man in your life, don't forget the old one! Ensure that the old one gets as much attention, otherwise he'll be jealous!

Since you're not having enough time for sleep why don't you sleep instead of blog? Take care of your health for the good of the two men in your life.

Anyway, I enjoyed your update of life with Josiah. He's soooooo cute! Keep blogging.