Thursday, September 20, 2007

Multi tasking - God's gift to mummies

I have always wondered how I will cope with a baby and managing myself ie shower, eat, poo...

Well, I have the answer now and it is the ever useful skill of multi-tasking. I thought it is only good for the office but in home life, it is a life saver.

Here are examples of how I survived these past 4 months alone with a 'sticky' baby.

- Brush teeth, wash faces, put on lenses whilst baby is crawling on toilet floor. He is happy because he gets to play with the nappy cream, diapers, face cream...etc

- Use above methods for poo and pee as well.

- Cook baby's lunch & dinner whilst he is still happy in the morning, at the same time, eat breakfast in between chopping carrots, potatoes. On a good day, baby is still happy after all that chopping meaning that I would get to actually sit and eat breakfast and on even better days -read the newspaper!

- When baby is taking morning nap, it is a time bomb to get as much done before he wakes. To do this, requires even more multitasking. Shower whilst boiling water, mop floor whilst lunch is cooking, check emails and blog whilst eating lunch...get the picture.

Of course there are downside to multitasking especially when one has lack of sleep. Namely, something will get burnt on the stove or you'd forget that you have put in the clothes in for washing and only realise when it has that awful "left too long in washing machine smell" and have to rewash it again. I have also been unable to eat slowly anymore - all food goes into my mouth and my tummy in a snap! I have to tell myself to chew, chew, slow down, stop gobbling....

Today is one of those days I feel like the domestic goddess - baby is happy and having a nice nap, baby food has been pureed and ready for eating, floors are clean, toilets are clean, mummy is clean, dinner is halfway done (bak kut teh) and mummy is blogging! Wow...and it is only 12pm. On such days as this, I thank God over and over again, of course, also asking for another one more fantastic day.

Was just telling my sister that I am getting retribution for the lack of housework I have had to do the past 29 years. I couldn't help it, really. I have had a maid up until I left for Uni, thereafter, a maid who does toilets, ironing,mopping come in twice a week. My mum did the cooking and cleaning, washing. Thanks Mum! Then I got married and moved in with my in-laws who at any one time had at least 2 maids sometimes even 3!! So not much to do there :p Thanks Mum-in-Law too! So people, here is how life will get back at you. Am now 29 years old, with a young baby - am a newbie at cleaning, washing, cooking and ironing with absolutely no maid in sight!! I have to manage it all even when I have never done it before especially ironing (which will explain why there is a mountain worth of clothes taunting me everyday!)

S has asked me to take up a course which his company will pay for and looking at my situation, honestly, do they have a course on Home Management Level 1? The main motivation for taking this course would be seeing Josiah crawling happily then pick him up and see that his clothes are black from dust and hair (mostly mine because I am balding. Sniff.)

Such is life, so to all young 'un out there complaining about housework and all - be thankful for the housework when young, maybe, you would never have to do housework when you get older. As for me, am checking for Home Management courses :p

Look at my lovely boy - looking miserable in his nice outfit

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