Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Daddy, where are thou?

It has been four days since S left for Jakarta and KL. It is always tough when S is away because I hate eating alone. Josiah's company during dinner time don't count since he (1) does not really eat and (2) does not really talk. I miss our usual dinner banter and idle talk.
Tonight was particularly difficult because my sister is also leaving to further her studies in Perth. With Skype being quite useless in Australia, I doubt we would be Skype-ing as much as we do now. And seeing that she is taking the house laptop with her also means that I would not be able to talk to my parents until they get a another laptop.
On the upside, Josiah's vocabulary is slowly increasing - he can say, 'No more', 'Bye-bye', 'bear', 'up' and his all time favourite word now - 'NO'
He says it with gusto, shaking his head vigorously and does this even when I am not asking or talking to him. Imagine this, pushing his cars on the floor, suddenly, "NO", no, no, no, no...???
Or walking around the house, then a sudden burst of no, no, no.... ???
Really wish I could read his mind. Talking about his mind, his imagination is also picking up. Have caught him a few times giving "food" to his teddy bear. He also picks up empty cup/bowls and pretends to have a big gulp of water.

His latest trick, throwing anything he can find into the bath tub whilst it is filling up before his bath time. He will then point and say "Uh, oh.." Today's damage include Daddy's umbrella, mineral water and some hangers. Past victim include his teddy, laundry and small stool!!

Here he is trying to show me how strong he is.

I made him some star-shaped pancakes for breakfast

To my dearest hubby, 'Come back soon!!!!'

To my darling sister, 'Take care and keep in touch. Hugs & kisses'

To my parents and brother, 'Hurry up with the new laptop'

To my in-laws, 'Thanks for always being online - it is nice to know someone is just a click away'

To my Josiah, 'Please start talking soon' and 'Please potty-train yourself' and 'Please eat more' and 'Please stop leaving your cars/balls/balloons everywhere in the house' and....... :)

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