Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wheels galore...

Josiah loves anything with wheels - cars, trucks, bikes, fire engines... and spends a lot of time playing with his vehicles. I try to use this interest of his to teach him stuff about vehicles. It is amazing that he can now point out wheels, windscreen, radiator, side mirror in any type of vehicle. He can even point out where engines are located (normally up front) and where the boot is (normally at the back).

Funny, how I spent countless hours trying to show him the difference between a cow and sheep yet till this day, he still gets confused. Sigh. A real boy, this one! Now he can even say, "Mini" - his favourite car when he sees one on the road. Since both of us are not car lovers, our knowledge of car types are pretty basic. Thanks to Josiah, I have now have to learn more about cars.

His love for cars can be used to our advantage especially when we are at the restaurant. My bag always has at least 3 different cars to entertain him. On good days, we can actually sit and eat a whole 3 course dinner together. Of course, we have to clear the table for him to push his cars but it is a small price to pay for some peace and quiet. Every time we bring him to a toy store, all he ever look at are cars even though there are tons of other toys around. Now that he is older, he asks me to open the box for him to play with the car and so our stash of cars comes in handy again to divert his attention when we don't want to buy him another toy.

Josiah and his new Hess fire engine - Hess is the company S works for and they hand out cool toys to all their staff for Christmas. Lucky for Josiah then!

Here he is at Yakitoria when Daddy and Mummy were having dinner with Daddy's colleague.

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