Friday, November 6, 2009

Alone time.....finally!

Hello world, this is my first time blogging in my own house....all ALONE!

For all those with young children, this moment is a moment to be celebrated and savoured. Josiah has been going to nursery for 3 mornings for three weeks now and this is the first time I have felt relaxed enough to come home. Before, I was always hanging around the nursery, you know, in case they had to ring me to get him....etc. I was also frequently leaving the nursery feeling upset because he is crying so hard when I leave but now, he is happy and smiling when I pick him up. So I know the crying bit in the mornings are just his little way of saying,"Hey, I want you to be here with me" which is perfectly normal seeing that we have NEVER been apart like this.

Anyhow, with the morning runs, even when it is raining, I have managed to catch myself a cold. So this morning, I was thinking about not sending him but then this incident happened and I knew that it was going to be one of those "Let's Challenge Mummy's Patience Day" so opted to send him off albeit later than usual.

Our morning started as usual and I gave him a choice of cereal or eggs (half boiled). He was excited about the eggs as I always let him put it in the egg container and he hasn't had eggs for some time. After waiting for it to cook, I then proceeded to put soya sauce on it and then he said he did not want it. I tried to coax him and reason with him but he was adamant. So I ate the egg and was thinking of using the other egg for lunch or something. Then, he said he wanted the egg....and I told him that he had better eat the egg this time or else I would put him in timeout corner.

He ate one spoon and told me, "I go stand in the corner." I have the leftover egg and one hungry boy to deal with.

He did not even cry whilst standing in the corner and then requested for cereal!!!

Although it is weird to be home without him, I could definately get used to this. After nearly three years, I am happy for some time alone.... have a relaxing breakfast read my papers on the actual day it arrives and not three days later cook dinner at one go without having to say,"Wait a minute, Mummy is cooking" like 20 times have a shower uninterrupted play the piano and actually hear what I am playing amidst Josiah's banging
...and finally just to be able to poo like a normal person without rushing it or having someone try to sit on my lap or worse play with the flush

Life is good.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I certainly hear you.... ;)