Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ho, ho, hooooyaa....

Shaun was meant to go to Algeria this week but thank God that he didn't because just after 4pm on Monday, Josiah got the "man flu". Misery all around this Christmas, folks. To date, his temperature is still holding on despite administering 4 hourly paracetamol via syringe (his favourite way of taking medicine). I have given him numerous sponge-wipedowns, two of which occurred at 3am on consecutive nights. My new carpets arrived yesterday evening and he has managed to puke on it by lunch today. In my sleep deprived haste to wash out puke-filled bedsheets, pillow, pillowcases from previous night - I managed to overlook a used disposable nappy in that pile and it went straight into the washing machine. I purposedly put on the LONGER wash thinking of all that yucky puke.

It is a week before Christmas, a week before I travel to Ireland and I have one sick boy, one jelly-filled washing machine, one new carpet with a funny smell to it, one load of puke and jelly filled laundry yet to be dealt with, one anniversary outing cancelled, one pair of sleep deprived adults in our lovely cold home.

So ho, ho, ho to everyone else in the world who is actually enjoying their Christmas season.

Oh, did I mention that my anniversary plans had to be scrapped tomorrow as I brave through my third consecutive day INDOORS. It is a record since Josiah was a baby.

And it was snowing this morning. Hooray...or not. I don't know because I am not human at this point. I am just a breathing machine focused on getting by another night without sleep.

Happy 4th Anniversary, Shaun. Here's to many more fun years (refer to above paragraph) together with me.

I think I have got cabin fever. Treatment for that? A trip back to sunny Malaysia should be an instant remedy. Except that it costs too much and at this point I am too tired to even shower.

Despite this I did manage to bake a cake for Shaun's birthday coming up this Saturday. My first attempt and I'd have to say, it did put a smile on my face


Happy Birthday Babes!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

35 months old: My backside is number 3 and other tales

One month short of his third birthday, Josiah is talking in longer sentences now. Going to nursery has definately added to this aspect so here are a few things he says now.

"My backside is number three"

Don't know the background of where he got this but he told me this when we were running around in circles. I did ask him what number was MY backside and apparently it is also number three. Hmm, go figure...

"I don't like it"

Applies to just about everything that is different from the norm. Trying to get him to put on new shoes/jacket/hat/watch different episodes of his favourite shows will be met with a resounding "I don't like it" response which if no action taken on our part to retain the 'normal' bit of his life will result in a meltdown. So frustrating. I am hoping it is just a toddler phase and refuse to believe that he might just be a very confident kid who knows what he wants ALL. THE. TIME!!!!!

"Stop talking, say bye-bye"

Hahahaha, this is him getting upset when Shaun and I are talking to anyone on Skype. He absolutely hates it and will make it clear to the other party that he wants our attention. It is really rude and I have spoken to him about it but it still occurs and I admit I sometimes bribe him so I can say hi to my parents or in-laws!

"1,2,3,4....10. Ready or not here I come"

Josiah's version of hide-and-seek is him asking you to stand at HIS chosen corner and then him pretending he cannot find you. If you actually hide then he is upset and tells you to stay at his chosen spot. Obviously this game is only played about 3 times max before I get bored. I do not have patience for these sort of games.

"Josiah farts"

Woohoo, and he does quite a fair bit of farting and is quite proud about it. He jumps around after that and says, "What's that noise" Too much MAN-ness for me....yucks....

"I love it"

Normally referring to his favourite food which at this time is yogurt, ice cream and cake. Yes, he is my son and he has a sweet tooth just like me. Shaun enjoys watching the both of us literally fight for a piece of cake. Depending if we have guest or not - I will really fight with Josiah for my share of cake. But if there is a guest around, I'd grudgingly let him gobble up my dessert and put on a sad pout for Shaun who alway sides with Josiah on this matter. See these men just gang up on me all the time.....

"I am too busy...with (insert toy here)"

Apparently Josiah is too busy playing with his cars/trains/aeroplanes to even go out to meet Daddy for dinner. So much for loving your parents - we are obviously only a substitute for anything with wheels or can fly. Boo hoo.

And here is my sweetie pie in his Thomas top which I got for a bargain 50p!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our first christmas tree

We finally took out the second-hand christmas tree that has been sitting in storage since 2007 and put it up. Josiah was so excited and helped with putting in the branches. I went out to get some baubles (correct term for hanging christmas balls) and beads. Voila, here is is the Ow Yang Christmas Tree 2009. The lights that came with the tree only lasted one day after we forgot to switch it off before we went to bed.

Josiah loves to pull the lower balls off and throw them around like a real ball. Luckily they are now shatter proof and will kinda bounce even!

My sister says the tree is still too bare but then I think it should be bare so that I can buy more stuff every year!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Winter Wonderland 2009

Goodbye Autumn, hello, my ol' misery-bearing friend, Winter.

Being the type of person who prefers the weather to be cooler - I absolutely dread winter. This will be my third winter in London but I do not look forward to it anymore than the first one. The adage of one "getting used to it" does not apply to winter weather. I mean, it is one thing to prefer being in 20C with air conditioning and it is another to be walking Josiah to nursery in the rain with temperatures about 10C.

Goodbye short sleeved tops, shorts, sandals. Hello to bulky jackets, gloves, scarves, boots, umbrella, hat, heater and the dreaded flu!

Being the type of person who is normally not so flu prone, this round with me having to walk Josiah to nursery and working up a sweat in cold, windy weather has made fall ill at least three times to date. And this cold weather will be here until March or April next year.

Goodbye to walking in the park at 6pm. Hello to staying in two days in a row (my maximum stay-in record so far) The park now closes at 4.15pm and the playground at 3.45pm. Why? Because it is pitch black by then and obviously no one wants to go to the park but ME??!!

Can you see why people get Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) here? I would be S.A.D too.... apparently the lack of sunlight and miserable weather makes people depressed. You don't say.

Anyhow, I am just ranting about the weather here so when I finally go back to sunnier days, I would relish it and remember how miserable it is to be cold almost 5 months of the year.

Remember how troublesome it is to have to layer up like a blimp and still feel cold.

Remember how Josiah hates to be layered up or wear any hat/glove/scarf making it twice as hard for me to even think about going anywhere knowing that he might catch a cold.

I miss home so very, very much.

Of course London is not home to me. It never was and I tried to make it home. But every time I am once again caught in the rain, cold and miserable with no bus in sight. All I want is to go home.

I think I have SAD - what do you think?

Oops, I forgot that I was going to blog about the Winter Wonderland. Yes, folks, there are some upside to winter. One of our favourite is visiting the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, having a hot fresh German sausage and hot chocolate whilst watching people go ice skating and sit in the rides. This year, we went in the afternoon right after a heavy downpour so there wasn't such a big crowd which was fine with us. We got our sausages and Shaun even had a corn on a stick. Josiah refused to take any rides so we did not stay too long. My highlight was the yummy sausage and the singing reindeer! Check him out at...

Monday, November 23, 2009

And the answer is...

Josiah punched out the hole from the bottom of his blocks bucket and the result was this picture...

So looks like no one got it right although pretty good guesses all round.
Thanks for taking time to visit my blog!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mystery of the missing....socks!

Is it just me or is it weird that I have more than 10 SINGLE. different. socks sitting forlornly waiting for its partner?

How did this happen? Where are those socks? Why are they missinig? Who took them?

I could go on and on but the fact is my forlorn pile of socks remain. With each load of laundry I do, I might come across one single famiiliar looking sock.

Aha....I have found a match, my happiness only lasting a mere five minutes when I discover that I have another two SINGLE socks to add to the pile.

Frustrations - it never used to bother me but honestly, it is irritating to have to look at a pile of SINGLE and different socks. I mean, those socks taunt me, telling me that I am a failure as a keeper of my family's clothes. Telling me that if I cannot even keep track of socks, what other pieces of clothings are missing but that I am ignorant off. Telling me that I am a bad wife for sending my man out with potentially mismatched socks all.the.time.

"Have you no shame? You must be doing something wrong for us to end up like this" sneered the sad, old looking white Nike sock.

"I miss my darling," sniffles the elegant black sock.

"I'd rather be thrown away than having to put up with these other grotty single socks" screamed the odd blackish green one.

So please, anyone, help me find my missing socks or I may have to resort to killing them just so I can keep my place as Lady of the House.

I will not be overthrown by a couple of ratty, pathetic but pompous sock forming a gang and bullying a poor mum who has never been good at housekeeping anyway.

Wait a minute. These are not even my socks, why should I care? Let Shaun deal with them - he should be able to keep them in line or do you think he is in on this as well.....hmmm.....

Making me believe that I am losing my mind by keeping those socks hidden.

Stop. it . now

Help me, anybody, where is CSI team when I need them most?

Gratefully yours,

Lady of the House (not!)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Yes folks, it is remnants of dried blood in his nostrils. Nasty...his nose bleeds are back.
Want to guess how I got this photo?
Just leave me a comment and I'll post the answer up in the next few days.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I want a broom??

Since Josiah is on his fourth week at nursery, I would like to update on his eating habits at the nursery. Most days he would only eat the dessert (yogurt or something sweet) and pick at the main meal. He only eats most of the meal when they serve pasta, shepherd pie and fish fingers. He does not eat any roast meat and veggie combo, or couscous or chicken type dishes. No one is also able to get him to take a snack (fruits, biscuits or toast)yet but the teachers have been very understanding in persisting to encourage him to eat independently.

On the mornings that Josiah goes to nursery, I would normally anticipate him falling asleep in the stroller on the way home especially when his teacher tells me that he had a proper lunch.

So when she told me had ate MOST of his lunch today, I knew he would be sleeping on the way home. He slept for about 1.5 hours and then woke up asking for milk. Then he asked me for a broom.

A broom? Why is he asking for a broom? Don't know. But as I hand him the broom - he looked at me like I was nuts.

I want to go to the ROOM, Mummy

Right - that's more logical. Hmm....wonder how many more incidents where I have not been able to understand him and offered him other things from what he asked for.

Well, Josiah, when you grow up, do enlighten me because I find you strange and you probably find me even stranger!! A broom.....bah....

Happy Tuesday all.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Alone time.....finally!

Hello world, this is my first time blogging in my own house....all ALONE!

For all those with young children, this moment is a moment to be celebrated and savoured. Josiah has been going to nursery for 3 mornings for three weeks now and this is the first time I have felt relaxed enough to come home. Before, I was always hanging around the nursery, you know, in case they had to ring me to get him....etc. I was also frequently leaving the nursery feeling upset because he is crying so hard when I leave but now, he is happy and smiling when I pick him up. So I know the crying bit in the mornings are just his little way of saying,"Hey, I want you to be here with me" which is perfectly normal seeing that we have NEVER been apart like this.

Anyhow, with the morning runs, even when it is raining, I have managed to catch myself a cold. So this morning, I was thinking about not sending him but then this incident happened and I knew that it was going to be one of those "Let's Challenge Mummy's Patience Day" so opted to send him off albeit later than usual.

Our morning started as usual and I gave him a choice of cereal or eggs (half boiled). He was excited about the eggs as I always let him put it in the egg container and he hasn't had eggs for some time. After waiting for it to cook, I then proceeded to put soya sauce on it and then he said he did not want it. I tried to coax him and reason with him but he was adamant. So I ate the egg and was thinking of using the other egg for lunch or something. Then, he said he wanted the egg....and I told him that he had better eat the egg this time or else I would put him in timeout corner.

He ate one spoon and told me, "I go stand in the corner." I have the leftover egg and one hungry boy to deal with.

He did not even cry whilst standing in the corner and then requested for cereal!!!

Although it is weird to be home without him, I could definately get used to this. After nearly three years, I am happy for some time alone.... have a relaxing breakfast read my papers on the actual day it arrives and not three days later cook dinner at one go without having to say,"Wait a minute, Mummy is cooking" like 20 times have a shower uninterrupted play the piano and actually hear what I am playing amidst Josiah's banging
...and finally just to be able to poo like a normal person without rushing it or having someone try to sit on my lap or worse play with the flush

Life is good.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mummy is am I

You know that feeling, when sometimes you think you have a good idea and without consulting anyone else just rush ahead and do it. Then when the inevitable good idea turns out to be not quite the good idea in your head - you know you are in trouble!! And normally by then it is just.too.late.

Damage done. Your son has got two bald SQUARE patches on his head and he has to go nursery the next morning.

Why, oh why, did I even try to deviate from my usual scissors and use the new electric shaver?

What was I thinking? Obviously, not thinking enough or else this wouldn't have happened.

Yes, folks....for some insane reason, I decided to try out the new electric shaver on Josiah whilst he was happily watching TV. Then for another insane reason, decided used the smallest attachment thinking that since he was small, he should not use the big attachment. WRONG!!

I had tears in my eyes when I ran my hands through his hair to see this :

I rang my friend for advise but decided not to go with the "little monk" look and have opted to wait for it to grow and hopefully forget about this whole incident.

Sometimes, even mummies are naughty.

Here is my little naughty boy, caught in the act of counting my kitchen drawers !!.....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

33 months old...I am losing count

I file all of Josiah's photos by month and seeing that he is nearing three....I have to admit that I am having trouble keeping count of exactly how many MONTHS old he is. When people asks me his age, I would reply - nearly three or 2.5 years old. So every time I want to upload some pictures from the camera to my laptop, I have to do "the count".

33 months old.

That is how old my son is. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Let's do the mandatory list of his achievements so far:

- Can count from 1 till 20

- Can recognise all his alphabets

- Can recongnise numbers 1-9

- Can walk up without assistance and walk down holding on to the banister

- Can jump lifting both legs

- Can feed himself better

- Can eat pasta, pizza, pork chop, mushroom

- Can use the potty for a wee (but not able to tell me when he wants to go)

- Can talk in sentences using up to 4 syllabic word like caterpillar, helicopter

- Can recite Little Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpty, This Little Piggy effortlessly

But I would have to say his greatest achievement this month is to be able to say, "See you later, Mummy" and then watch me go off without crying. Yes, folk....he is on the road to a little separation from me and I am sooooo happy for the both of us.

This new nursery has been super supportive in making this process as natural and painless as possible for both the child and parent. I have been going to the nursery every morning and I stay with him every time. We leave as soon as he is crying and not happy (so not to associate the nursery as a bad place) . We always leave when he is happily playing (so he associates happy memories of the nursery). On the fourth morning, I went over and said bye to him and left for 30 minutes. On the fifth morning, I said goodbye and left him for one hour. Although, he is still teary when I leave him in the morning, his recovery gets better and better. He is now able to stay on his own for the entire 3 hours or so. And he even had his first meal of pasta which he ate all on his own. I know I am rambling but I am just so happy for him and so proud of him. I await the day when he is able to say goodbye in the morning without that would be fantastic. Shaun and I have already planned to celebrate that day by going out for breakfast together.... I predict that Josiah will take up to 2 months to be able to achieve that so stay tuned.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

When I grow up, I want to be a...

Doctor, lawyer, teacher, scientist or maybe an accountant like my Daddy...
Nope, I think I would like to be a photographer.
Here I am with my first "still model"
He is a good friend to agree to pose for me.

Thank you, Elmo. I love you

Are you ready, Elmo?

Elmo, say cheese...

Okay, this shot looks good....

The finished photos...

A closer shot....perfect :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

When will I see you again?

I have consciously been avoiding having to blog these past few weeks. Why? Because I am feeling a bit down and I am just so L.O.S.T.

Lost, feeling lost, losing my mind.... you get the picture. To clarify and maybe help you understand, let's see... My in-laws went home after 6 weeks, then my parents left after being with us for 4 weeks. Josiah is not making a lot of progress in potty training and I have had to spend every morning in nursery trying to get him to like it. I just struggling with all the changes and having to put on a "it's okay" face for Josiah whilst feeling absolutely crap inside. I have difficulty falling asleep and yet hate to have to wake up to face the reality in the morning. Crazy, crazy time for me.
The pain mainly in having to send Josiah to nursery and seeing him screaming and crying It breaks my heart and is just as painful for me to turn my back and walk away calmly. I know it will get better but really wished that it would "get better" sooner. It makes it harder for both of us too knowing that this nursery is not the right one for us. The nursery itself is wonderful with a huge sandpit and playground, lots of different types of toys...etc But the staff there, my goodness, they all look so uptight and unfriendly. No one really talks to the kids there, no smiles, no laughter.....even their singing session is depressing. The teacher puts on a tape and holds up a book to show the kids. She does not sing, the kids are not encouraged to goodness, what is the point of a singing session. His assigned key-worker is cold and unfriendly. She is always in a rush to go for her "break time" and leaves the nursery before I can even ask her about Josiah. Enough said. I have made the decision to change nursery today and I hope the next nursery would be better for the both of us.

In the mean time, I am going to enjoy our time together again, going to playgroups together. I know that Josiah would love nursery when he meets with the right key person with the right attitude. He is so easy going and loves to be around other kids so this step of independence is quite due. Plus, I am hoping that he would gain from being with other kids around meal time and learn to feed himself. He is the only nearly three year old I know who still does not self feed and it is beginning to bug me. I love to feed him (which ensures that he actually eats) but I know that it is time for him to learn this new skills which I have failed to impart to him. I am not a good mum when it comes to thing like this and here I am trying to delegate it to the good people at his nursery :p

Typical. When the going gets tough, the tough gets a "helper". Hehehehe....

Happier times - group photo in Bruge, Belgium

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Potty Training : A New Potty

Folks, I have never been one to advocate buying expensive stuff especially for kids. But this whole potty business has gotten me potty in the head as well, so I placed an order for a nicer potty that is more like a child seat with a removable portion at the bottom. When the potty arrived - Josiah was all excited about it and had a wee in it the first time he used it!!! He was so excited about taking out the bottom part and pouring it in the big potty. As a reward, he gets to flush and wash his hands (something that I never let him do otherwise!). Well, that was a couple of days ago and today, he finally told me he needed to use the potty. I was so shocked that I literally dropped everything to rush him to the potty. We had TWO request to use the potty today and a few wee-ing on demand. I am on a potty-high and decided that I should also try to bake some cupcakes for the first time. Those who know me will read this with jaws open as I NEVER bake, I have been quite adamant about buying desserts whenever I feel like it. Of course, it does help that my mum-in-law left all the ingredients and baking utensils behind with hopes that I'd pick it up one day. So here it is, my first cupcake using the famous Hummingbird cupcake recipe. Let's hope it turns out okay.

And for Josiah - Mummy is so proud of you! It is a big step for you and I am glad that we did it together. I hope you would remember this and one day come back to Mummy for help / advice knowing that I will endevour to do everything I can so you can succeed in anything you put your mind to.

Cupcake anyone?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Potty time! Day 2 & 3

Feeling disheartened and wanting to go out, I have decided to try the potty training in the morning till whenever I feel like going out which is usually after 1pm. In Day 2, I decided to let him run around without pants at all with hopes of catching him in action and pointing out to him that it is called a "wee wee" and that he CAN control it if he wants to. Despite having Grandpa around to help me watch him and try to catch him before he wee on the floor, we failed miserably. Not one drop in the potty and lots of Dettol floor wipe action instead! We went out for lunch to reward all the adults for trying :)

Day 3 started out well, I had a nice talk to him telling him about how he will get a lollipop if he manages to wee in the potty. I managed to get Josiah to sit for really long time on his potty but guess what? He just did not have to wee at all. From 9am till 1pm he was dry and just as I put him on his highchair for lunch, the dam broke and it was like Niagaria Falls at the dining table. Out came the Dettol again. It is nearly 4pm now and he has just sat on the potty for 30 minutes and not one drop. Frustrated at this, I put on his nappy and got down to the laptop. It is super tiring looking at his little "koo koo" for so many hours hoping to catch a little sign that he is about to wee. I have never looked at it for so long before. Ever. The problem is that he does not drink a lot of water and he has never been a fan of water, getting his water from milk and soups only. I have to make sure he has more water to drink tomorrow.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Toddlerhood: The Next Frontier

"I can't see Daddy anywhere" said Josiah this morning as we are heading out to church.

Wow, his first proper sentence.

Instead of answering him, I looked at him wondering how I once was in awe when he said his first word. Nowadays, his vocabulary is growing and his quirky remarks really makes my day.

I know one day, I will look back on this and moan about how he cannot stop talking but for now - I want to savour this warm fuzzy feeling I get whenever I hear him talk.

His other achievements include:

  • Able to sing Twinkle, twinkle, ABC song, Incy Wincy Spider, Little Einstein song
  • Able to count from 1 to 12
  • Able to identify most colours
  • Able to identify most alphabets
  • Able to read a few words like dog, cat, duck, frog, horse, pig, chicken, Josiah, Mommy, Daddy, Thomas, Percy, star, car, Harold, James.
  • Able to do some simple puzzles
  • Able to paint and draw and colour quite well
Ahhh....but of course, I must also remember the things he is still struggling with, which includes:
  • Not able to walk down steps on his own, he can walk up with help
  • Not able to jump or climb too well
  • Not able to feed himself with a spoon properly
  • Not able to remove his socks or shoes on his own
  • Not able to eat pasta, pizza, most veggies and fruits
  • Not potty trained

I am looking forward to his independence which I think will improve when he starts nursery in September. He will be going for 3 mornings and although it will be a welcome break for me, I am honestly dreading that day. I want my freedom yet don't want to be away from him. Get it? Nope....well, I don't get it too. Such a strange mix of feelings which I believe only another full time SAHM will understand.

Does he miss his baby stuff too?

Josiah in Prague

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Potty time! Day 1

Alas, I succumbed to pressures from everyone to start potty training. I am not bothered that Josiah is still in diapers, come on, he is only 2.... what's the hurry? My parents, in-laws, friends and even Shaun has been pestering me about it. To me, being potty trained is not as cut out as a lot of people think. People think that once the child is potty trained, then they don't have to change nappies anymore. But from what I observed, once potty trained, you'd have to bring even MORE stuff. From travel potty, to change of clothes - and not to mention those crazy, stressful moments when you are on the train and the kid suddenly wants to go potty....!!!#&**!!

At the moment, Josiah gets a change of diaper in the morning after he poos. Then another one in late afternoon and one before sleep. No fuss, no mess....I can go out with him the whole day without having to keep track of time because I know he has a diaper on. Without the diaper, the onus is on the parent to remind the child if he/she wants to go potty. Then parent (usually the mother) will have to find toilet and bring child to toilet quickly. How stressful is that? Add to that the scenario when an "accident" occurs when you are outside. Goodness me, I would be throwing out a lot of pants at this rate because I cannot imagine having to wash out poo from his pants. Blech....yucks....can I delegate this portion of motherhood to anyone else? Anyone else??? Help!!!

Back to Josiah's potty training, we started out with me putting him on potty. He sat for 5 minutes and then wriggled to get out despite me trying to keep him on longer. He proceeded to wet his pants 5 minutes later. After a change, I reminded myself to ask him to go potty in another 15 minutes, but he had another wet pants before then. By lunchtime, he'd wet 4 pair of pants and had one tantrum because I was asking him to sit on the potty. I also had to ban him from sitting on the sofa or our bed - see how cruel this potty training is..... Mental note to myself to get some blankets for the sofa. Sigh. I am not happy at all.

Just before his nap, I put a nappy on and all was well for the rest of the evening. Shaun is not well and I just couldn't cope with two upset boys. Will try again tomorrow morning.

The upside to this exercise: Saved ONE piece of nappy today. Yay. =.=

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009


With Shaun's parents here, our life has significantly improved, in fact, is close to perfect. Josiah is having a lovely time with his Grandpa and Grandma, Mummy is getting a break for Josiah and Daddy is free to do anything when he gets home from work.

The question is now, with all the free time, what happened to the blog? No post since June....
Well.....the answer in two words : SUMMER SALES

We have been out shopping almost every other day, scouting for bargains and indulging in some well earned retail therapy. All the boys in the household suffer from the retail therapy in their own ways.

Shaun is getting poorer everyday but at least he is not being dragged around looking at clothes, kitchenware and shoes. shoes. shoes.... In fact, he is probably the least affected, managing to escape this shopping horror by staying in the office earning more money for me :)

Grandpa is by far the most worst off - having to follow the ladies around, helping with carrying stuff, then being left to entertain Josiah whilst we shop and then having to pay for the damages. Not very nice.

Meanwhile, Josiah learnt early on how to deal with this whole shopping ordeal by asking for milk the moment we get into a shopping place and settling in his buggy with his favourite "chow chow" cloth and daydreaming of a better place. Possibly a better mother too.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Food Gallery : The Improvement

More dishes from my kitchen............

I think this looks like "left-over night" with the only fresh food being the fried egg ;)

We had a couple over who were previously from Middle East and they loved our flat which reminded them of home. And with some Malaysian curry....hmmm.....

Burger again but this time with home made fries....does look a bit burnt - maybe that's why the veggies are hiding it :)

When I got back from holiday - a bunch of apples looked like it was going to go bad so I quickly got some puff pastry and ta-da, some home made apple puff

My all time favourite - curry noodles with fish cake and "tau pok"

Roti canai and curry chicken...of course the roti is the frozen type!

Pancakes from Nigella Lawson's recipe - this is more like the American type than the crepe-type

Cream mushroom pasta with roast chicken and basil

Guess what is this?

Yes, my very own "siew yok"
Not too bad a wife now, right....heh,heh......
Happy Tuesday all